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Student’s Club

Botanic Club
Year of Foundation : 2003
Motto of the Club : Learn, Share and Grow
To bring an attitudinal change in our students, to boost their confidence, to expose our students to the happenings around them, to heighten their sense of belonging, the Botany Department, Shillong College felt the need to form a platform in the form of the Botanic Club.
The Motto of the Botanic Club is ‘Learn, Share and Grow’
  • Article I: Name: The name of the club shall be the ‘BOTANIC CLUB’, Shillong College.
  • Article II: Objectives: The object of this club shall be to collect and diffuse information on all topics relating to botany and to promote an interest among the students and teachers, in this science. Besides that, it proposes to cover topics which would be of great help in personality improvement.
  • Article III: Members: All members must be active members of the society. Membership from the students shall be encouraged. Elected officers of the club shall consist of an adviser (Ex-Head of the Deptt), President (Head of the Deptt), a Vice President (A senior teacher), a Corresponding Secretary (Teacher), Joint Secretaries(students), Recording Secretary (Teacher), Joint Recording Secretary (student), Treasurer (teacher) and a Field Assistant (Lab Assistant). These Officers shall be elected biennially, shall hold their offices for two years or until others are installed in their places. The Treasurer, Corresponding Secretaries, and recording secretaries are each elected for a two-year term and maybe elected to serve up to four years. Vacancies occurring in any of the offices of the Club shall be filled unanimous decision of the Members. The person so elected shall serve until the due term, or until a successor is chosen.
  • Article IV: President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club, and shall appoint all committees not otherwise provided for.
  • Article V: Vice President: In absence or disability of the President, his or her duties shall be performed by the Vice President, and in the absence of the latter, another office bearer shall serve, the order of precedence being that indicated in article III.
  • Article VI: Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect and have charge of all funds and securities of the Club. Such funds shall be used to pay the ordinary current expenses of the club and such other sums as may from time to time be ordered. The treasurer shall render a report of the finances at the Annual Meeting, or oftener if requested, and at any other time desired. The Treasurer has charge of the Club Seal. The Treasurer shall collect all funds derived from subscriptions, advertising, and sales of the Magazines, Journals and Memoirs.
  • Article VII: Secretaries:  The Corresponding Secretaries shall have charge of the Charter, Constitution, and By-laws of the club, shall give due notice of all meetings, conduct the correspondence of the Club, and prepare all letters to be written in its name, retaining copies of them. These secretaries shall serve as Chairperson of the Programme committee and perform such other duties of a similar nature as may be assigned by the club from time to time. The Corresponding Secretaries shall provide updated copies of the Constitution and By-Laws of the club to all members upon request. The Recording secretaries shall keep full and accurate records of proceedings of the club, receive the membership list from the Treasurer, notify each member of the Club, and perform such other duties of a similar nature as may be assigned by the club from time to time. The Corresponding Secretaries shall forward meeting minutes to the Corresponding secretaries who will include them wit the announcements of the next Club Meeting.
  • Article VIII: Journal/ Magazine & its Editor: The Editor shall have final editorial authority over all publications of the Club and appoint associate editors subject to the approval of the club.
  • Article IX: Manager of Publications The editor of Publications shall be responsible for back issues of the journals, memoirs, and other publications. The Editor shall also collect all funds for these publications and turn them over to the Treasurer.
  • Article X: Name of the Souvenir: Botane.
  • Article XI: Quorum: Six members of the Club shall constitute a quorum.
  • Article XII: Members: The membership of the Club shall consist of active members of students (Honurs and pass), teachers (from deptt. of Botany and other Deptts) and others.
  • Article XIII: Dues: The dues of all Classes of membership shall be fixed by the Club.
By Laws
  1. Time and Mode of Selection: The President in October, shall select a slate of candidates to consist of Officers or Bearers subject to the approval of the Club. This slate will be presented to the club at a regular meeting in November, where any active member of the Club may be selected. All selections shall be consulted by the Club as to their availability for office. All Officers shall enter upon the duties of their respected offices immediately after the close of the annual meeting.
  2. Meetings: Unless otherwise determined by the President, the regular meetings shall be held on the first Tuesday or alternate date if deemed necessary by the programme Committee throughout the year. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the President.
  3. Order of Business The following shall be the order of Regular business at all meetings of the Club except at the Annual meetings: Reading of the minutes of the last meeting
  • Election of new members and announcement of resignations, if any.
  • Reports of Committees, if any
  • Deferred business
  • New business
  • Scientific programme.
At the Annual Meeting, the order of business shall be as follows:
  • Reading of the minutes of the last meeting.
  • Election of new members and announcement of resignations, if any.
  • Reports of Officers, Delegates and representatives.
  • Reports of standing committee.
  • Announcement of projected Activities.
  • Deferred business.
  • New Business.
  • Presidential address.
  1. Standing committee: The Standing committee shall be as follows:
  • Programme committee
  • Field Committee
  • Flora and Vegetation committee
  • Wall Display Committee.
  1. The Programme Committee, chaired by the Corresponding Secretaries shall arrange :for the scientific Programme of the meeting for the Club during the year.
  2. Field committee: The Field Committee shall select the dates, places and other details of the field trips and publish notices of the same.
  3. Flora and Vegetation committee: The Flora and Vegetation committee shall report on significant changes in the flora and vegetation which occur within the vicinity of Shillong College, and Shillong as such, and which may be of general interest to the Club.
  1. Donation A record shall be kept by the Treasurer of the source, nature and description of each Donation.
Adviser Mr. S. K. Roy
President Mrs. D. Kharshandi
Secretary Mrs. M. V. T. Marwein
Assistant Secretaries Mrs. D. Lyngdoh  &  Dr. R. V. Diengdoh
Treasurer Dr. (Mrs). A. Lyngdoh
Field Assistant Mr. Banteilang Syiemlieh
Student Representatives 2 students from each Semester
Techies Club
Year of Foundation: 2006
The “Techies Club”, which is a Departmental students’ club (Computer Science and Applications), was formed in 2006. The main objective of this club is to allow students to expand their activities beyond the normal classroom interactions and sessions.
The following shows the organizational profile of the club:
  • Advisor (Teacher)
  • Treasurer (Teacher)
  • President (Student)
  • General Secretary (Student)
  • Publicity Manager
  • Members (Students)
The club collects a maintenance fee of Rs. 10 per month from the members. The amount is utilized for various activities the club conducts. Activities include holding social gatherings such as the Freshers’ meet, the Farewell meet etc., academic activities such as holding seminars, paper presentations, holding programming competitions, conducting Orientation courses on basic computer applications etc. all for the benefit of fellow students of the department and of the college in general. The following enumerates the contribution of the Club:
  • The Club Conducts Computer Awareness Courses for the students who do not have computer as one of their subjects.
  • Conducting Computer Awareness Camps to the  under previleged students of Rural Meghalaya.
  • Maintaining the Bulletin Board with up to date articles.
  • Active Participation in Inter College Competitions like debates, sports etc.
Activities of Techies Club
The contribution of Zoology in the day-to-day life of humans and other living beings on this earth is overwhelming. Zoology paved the ways and means for the development of modern medical science concerning human and animal body.
Other branches of science like chemistry, physics, botany, mathematics and others of course surround the science of Zoology. The present system of learning is however inclined towards applied aspects of Zoology which is important; nevertheless, the fundamental knowledge is even more important to device application.
Keeping this view in mind the students of the Zoology Dept. Shillong College, proposes to form a club to generate interest among them to take up and study Zoology at the fundamental level and make them aware of the current development in this science. Such exposure will make us not only to educate ourselves but create academic and intellectual environment at home and at the place where we work/study every day.
  • AIMS & OBJECTIVES To educate ourselves on the fundamental Zoology and update our knowledge through various activities like
    •  By organizing seminars.
    •  By organizing popular talks.
    •  Group discussions.
    •  Exhibition.
    •  Tracking recent developments through newspaper, magazines, journals and the Internet.
    •  Organizing fieldtrips/ study tour to the places of interest.

  • Chairperson - Principal, Shillong College (Permanent member)
  • President - Head of department of Zoology (Permanent member)
  • Vice president - One post, elected/nominated from 3rd year B.Sc. Zoology (H)
  • Secretary - One posts, elected /Nominated from 2nd year B.Sc. Zoology (H)
  • Joint secretaries – Three posts, one elected each from 1st, 2nd and 3rd year B.Sc Zoology (H)
  • Treasurer - One post, elected from 1st year B.Sc Zoology (H)
  • Secretary for publicity and publication - One post elected from1st year B.Sc Zoology (H)
  • Secretary for bulletin board - One post elected from 2nd year B.Sc Zoology (H)
  • Executive Members - Four members, three from the teachers of the department and one from 3rd year B.Sc Zoology (H)

Every year after students are admitted in the 1st year Zoo. Hons. Course, the 2nd year and 3rd year students will organize reception for them and a new body is to be formed to take over. Secretaries’ annual report, Treasurers financial report are to be presented in the meeting. Normally the President will preside over the meeting
MEMBERSHIP Any and all the students taking Zoology Hons.are the members of the club, all the faculty members including laboratory attendant will be the members of the club. Any or other students or teachers interested in the science of Zoology may also become a member. Memberships are of two types—Annual membership and Life membership.
Collections of subscriptions of membership fee: 1. Annual membership fee Rs.50 to be collected which is to be renewed every year. This is to be revised according to the situation. 2. Life membership is ten times (i.e. Rs.500) that of annual membership. 3. Funds may also be received from college authority, NGOs, and government and non-government departments for organizing special programs. 4. Fund is to be maintained in a Nationalized Bank, which will be operated jointly by President, Secretary and treasurer (either all or any two).
The Management Student Club (M.S.C)
Year of Foundation: 2016
Slogan: “Think different, make a difference”
The Management Student Club (M.S.C) was founded on 5th of December, 2016, under Management department as a great platform that offers simulation of an organization where office bearers (Students) will develop their skill, self-confidence, self-discipline and spirit of leadership, enhance the practical knowledge and create the habit of self-management and leading others.
The club is constituted with Students of Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A) with same mission, vision and the main purpose is to organize and promote events such as cultural, social, sportive and pedagogical with the intention of enhancing the practical knowledge of management study.
  • Our Name: “Management Students Club (M.S.C)”
  • The name directly refers about us as a student of Business Administration in Shillong College that took the initiative to create a club.
  • Our Slogan: “Think different, make a difference”
  • The slogan is about what we did, that was the foundation of the first club of students in management department and also about what we intend to do that is a “difference”.
 Our Symbol: “Lamp”
  • The choice of lamp as a symbol is because transmit an image of Thought, Creativity, new Ideas and Innovation
  • Our Colours: “Gold, Blue navy and White”
We choose three color that have a lot of meaning but only few of them will characterize us a club and as an individual.
  • Gold color: transmit the rarity, sophistication, prosperity, prestige, nobility and uniqueness.
  • Blue navy color: transmit the intelligence, communication, believe, efficiency, optimism, creativity and productivity.
  • White color: transmit the peace, harmony and negotiation.
  • Type of Logo:
  • We choose Combination mark as a type of logo
  • Internal:
  1. To promote the talents of the students;
  2. To encourage student– teacher relationship;
  3. To develop the spirit of leadership of each student;
  4. To create a “management day’’ for the department;
  5. To create a strong and cohesive relationship among the students.
  6. To enhance the practical knowledge of the management students;
  7. To make the department of management more interesting, dynamic and creative;
  • External:
  1. To dynamites Shillong College through creative and procreative events and programs organized by M.S.C;
Functions: The club in consultation with the faculty will carry out the following functions:
  • Holding management events;
  • Fundraising events for various purposes;
  • Publishing department’s annual magazine, “Wings”;
  • Social Responsibility (helping and reaching out to the poor and the needy in the society);
Terms and Conditions:
  • Office can be held for a period of 2 semesters (1year) only;
  • Retiring members can be re-elected for another term;
  • Each class (semester) has to elect its own representative in the club;
  • From the elected member’s portfolio has to be allotted;
  • All the members should work as a team;
  • In case of any misconduct and idleness of the office bearers, strict action will be taken like denial of certificate, forced to step down or be replaced;
  • At the end of the term of office i.e., 1 year, a certificate will be given;
  • Prior notice should be given to the responsible personnel in case of premature leaving of office;
  • Events’ plans should be presented 2 months before they are actually held;
Hierarchy Position of MSC
Management Uniforms
Activities of Management Student Club