Prospectus and Application Form may be obtained from the College Office from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on notified working days, on payment of Rs.200/- (Two hundred) only in cash. Request for Prospectus and Application Form by post should be accompanied by a Demand Draft of Rs.250/- (Two hundred fifty only) in favour of Principal, Shillong College, Shillong – 793003, payable at Shillong. Forms may also be downloaded from the college website. Such forms shall be accepted only when accompanied by DD for Rs.200/- (Two hundred) only.
A candidate who has appeared for the qualifying examination [(10+2) level] and is awaiting the results, is also eligible to apply for admission in different courses, subject to fulfillment of criteria.
Application form, complete in all respects along with relevant document(s), Marksheet(s), Certificate(s) etc should be submitted to the office of: The Principal, Shillong College, Shillong – 793003, Meghalaya, India, within a week after the receipt of Marksheet(s) of Class 12th Std. or equivalent Examination.
Dates of Entrance Examination will be notified in the Students’ Notice Board.
Incomplete Application Forms will be rejected. Candidates will be required to produce Original Marksheet(s), Certificate(s) and other relevant document(s) at the time of Selection / Interview / Admission.