The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was formed on 16th June 2004 as per the NAAC guide lines as a post –accreditation quality sustenance measure. Since inception, the Cell is constantly involved in enhancing and maintaining the standard and quality curricular and co-curricular activities of the College. Proposals and recommendations accepted in the meetings of the Cell were directly forwarded to the Principal, which are then placed in the Governing Committee for approval and implementation.
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was formed on 16th June 2004 as per the NAAC guide lines as a post –accreditation quality sustenance measure. Since inception, the Cell is constantly involved in enhancing and maintaining the standard and quality curricular and co-curricular activities of the College. Proposals and recommendations accepted in the meetings of the Cell were directly forwarded to the Principal, which are then placed in the Governing Committee for approval and implementation.
The primary aim of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
Some of the functions expected of the IQAC are:
- Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for the various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
- Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for the various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
- Maintenance and improvement of Infrastructure of the College.
- Dissemination of information on the various quality parameters of higher education.
- Organisation of workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles.
- Documentation of the various programmes / activities leading to quality improvement.
- Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to be submitted to NAAC based on the quality parameters.
IQAC shall evolve mechanisms and procedures for:
- Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks.
- Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching, learning and evaluation.
- Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and functioning of the support structure.
IQAC will facilitate / contribute:
- To a heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement and facilitate internalization of the quality culture.
- To the enhancement and integration among the various activities of the institution and institutionalize many good practices.
- To provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning.
- To act as a change agent in the institution.
- To better inter communication.
Contribution of IQAC
- Development and application of quality benchmark/ parameters in various activities of the institution.
- IQAC is responsible for the quality related initiatives of the college.
- Preparation and submission of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to NAAC based on the quality parameters is done every year.
- Workshops on quality related themes are organized and promotion of quality circles leads to quality improvement.
- Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks.
- Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching, learning and evaluation
- Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and functioning of the support structure.
Contact Person
Coordinator IQAC,
Contact Number: +919436335399
E_mail: [email protected]
Chairperson: Dr. (Mrs) E. Kharkongor, Principal
Co-ordinator: Dr. S. Sarma, Department of Commerce
Representative from Administration:
- Shri B Syiem, Vice Principal
- Smt. E. N. Dkhar, Vice Principal, Self-Financing Courses
- Smt. R. Khongwir, Head Assistant
Teachers Representative:
- Dr. D Bhowmik, Department of English
- Dr. S Pandey , Department of Hindi
- Dr. (Mrs) S Khyriemmujat, Department of Sociology
- Dr. S Khongwir, Department of Zoology
- Dr. Aroma Lyngdoh, Department of Botany
- Smt. P Khonglah, Department of Commerce
- Shri. L Khongiang, Department of Physics
- Dr. M B Lynser, Department of Environmental Science
- Smt. A M Mitri, Department of Computer Science & Applications
- Shri. T S Warjri, Department of Computer Science & Applications
- Shri. S Kharchandy, Department of Mathematics
- Shri. Donald Thabah, Department of Computer Science & Applications
- Smt. A Marbaniang, Department of Political Science
Management Representative:
- Dr. (Mrs) V Kharmawphlang, Former Principal, PGT (CTE) College, Shillong
Alumni Representative:
- Shri. F Lamare, Associated Professor, St. Anthony's College, Shillong
Local Society Representative:
- Prof. Benjamin F Lyngdoh, Department of Tourism and Hotel Manangement, NEHU
- Dr. M Rani, Vice Principal, Synod College, Shillong
Representative from Industries:
- Shri S. Majaw, General Manager, District Commerce and Industries Centre, East Khasi Hills, Shillong
Students' Representative:
- Smt. Sumarda Syiemlieh, BCA (Fifth Semester)
- Shri. KT Johnclinton Anal, Political Science (Fifth Semester)
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
Self Appraisal
Training Programmes
College Dairy
Best Practice
Code of Conduct
Shillong College Policies
- Shillong_College_Admission_Policy
- Shillong_College_Examination_Policy
- Shillong_College_Hostel_Policy
- Shillong_College_PWD_Policy
- Shillong_College_Quality_Assurance_Policy
- Shillong_College_Green_Policy
- Shillong_College_E_Governance_Policy
- Shillong_College_Information_Technology_(IT)_Policy
- Shillong_College_Infrastructure_Policy
- Students' Grievance Mechanism
"60th Milestone of Shillong College".
Procedures and policies
National Conference
001 National seminar on Applied Ethics, 14th -15th July 2016
002 Managing Yourself - 9th - 10th November 2016
003 National Workshop on Research Methodology - 7th - 13th June 2017
004 Cross Border - 24th - 25th August 2017
005 KOHA 21st - 23rd September 2017
006 Two Day National Conference NAAC 23rd - 24th August 2018
007 Bridging Digital Divide - 5th - 6th September 2018
008 Changing Dynamics of Tribal Society - 5th - 6th November 2019
009 Low Cost Appropriate Technology - 15th - 19th February 2021
010 Origami - 16th - 17th November 2021
011 The French Connection - 16th December 2021
012 Application of Statistics - 13th -19th 2022
013 Translating Vision into Action NEP 2020 A Report
Annexures 2018-19
3.1.1 Resource Mobilisation - Reserch Funds Sanctionedf
3.2.3 Number of Incubation Centre Created
3.3.4 Books and Chapters in Edited Volumes
3.3.5 Bibliometrics of the Publications During the last Academic Year
3.3.7 Faculty Participation in Seminars Conferences etc
3.4.2 Awards and Recognition REceived by Students
3.5.1 Number of Collaborative Activities for Research etc
3.5.2 Linkages with Institutions for Internship
4.2.3 E-Contents Developed by Teachers
5.2.1 Details of Campus Placement
5.3.1 Awards for Outstanding Performances in Sports etc
6.3.3 Teachers Attending Professional Development Orinetation Courses
6.5.6 Number of Quality Initiatives
7.1.4 Inclusion and Situatedness
7.1.6 Universal Values and Ethics
Annexures 2019-20
- 1.3.1 Value Added Courses
- 1.3.2 Field Projects & Internships
- 2.1.1 Demand Ratio
- 2.3.1 Percentage of Teachers Using ICT - A
- 2.3.1 Percentage of Teachers Using ICT - B
- 2.4.2 Honours & Recognition by Teachers
- 2.5.1 Dates for Year End and Semester End Examination
- 2.6.2 Pass Percentage
- 3.1.1 Funds Sanctioned for Research
- 3.2.2 Awards for Innovations
- 3.2.3 Number of Incubation Centres
- 3.3.3 Research Publications
- 3.3.4 Books and Chapters and Edited Volumes
- 3.3.5 Bibliometrics of the Publications
- 3.3.6 h-Index of Publications
- 3.3.7 Faculty Participation in Seminars
- 3.4.1 Outreach Programmes
- 3.4.2 Awards and Recognition
- 3.4.3 Students Participation in Extension Activities
- 3.5.1 Colaborative Activities for Research
- 3.5.2 Linkages with Institutions
- 3.5.3 MoUs
- 4.1.2 Detaisl of Augmentations in Infrastructure Facilities
- 4.2.1 Library Services
- 5.1.1 Scholarships
- 5.1.2 Capability Enhancement and Development
- 5.1.3 Career Counselling
- 5.2.1 Campus Placement
- 5.2.2 Student Progression
- 5.2.3 Students Qualifying in Other Examinations
- 5.2.4 Sports and Cultural Activities
- 5.3.1 Number of Awards by Students
- 6.3.2 Number of Professional Development
- 6.3.3 Teacher Attending Orientation Programmes
- 6.4.2 Funds Received from Non -Govt Private Individuals
- 6.5.6 Number of Quality Initiative
- 7.1.4 Inclusion and Situatedness
- 7.1.6 Activities Conducted For Promotion of Universal Values
- No. 7 Quality Initiative by IQAC
- No. 8 List of Funds by State & Central Govt
- No. 9 IQAC Members
- No. 10 Minutes of the Meeting
- No. 12 Significant Contribution by IQAC
- No. 13 Plan of Action