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About College

Shillong College was inaugurated on 15th of August, 1956, and began with few students at Jail Road Boys High School. Shri Sudhindra Chandra Datta, a Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics in St. Anthony’s College, became the founder Principal. Before the establishment of North Eastern Hill University in 1972, Shillong College was affiliated to Gauhati University. The birth, growth and development of the Shillong College is a cumulative result of the immense sacrifice, dedication, hard work and perseverance of a good number of well meaning selfless individuals as well as some prominent organizations of Shillong and also the region as a whole.


  • To provide quality education to all aspiring students through meaningful academic and professional courses keeping in mind the special needs of the economically, educationally and socially disadvantaged segment of
    the society.

  • To inculcate knowledge and need-based work skills so that the products of the college find themselves prepared for employment and self-employment avenues as and when required.

  • To help students to discover and tap their fullest potential through appropriate co- andextra-curricular activities leading to integrated personality-development in order to become responsible and productive citizens of tarot

  • To encourage and promote moral, secular, scientific and nation-building values so that the students respect, protect and nurture the rich composite culture of the country and of each of its constituent units.

  • To create awareness, concern and care for environment by gearing various collegiate activities to sustainable environmental practices encompassing the State’s land, water, flora and fauna.


  • -The College is affiliated to North Eastern Hill University, Shillong (Under Graduate Courses).
  • -The College is also affiliated to Meghalaya Board of School Education, Tura (HSSLC Courses).
  • -The College is under Deficit Grants-in-Aid system of Government of Meghalaya and conforms to State government Rules & Regulations.
  • -The College is governed by a Governing Body, duly constituted as per UGC Guidelines and State Government Rules.
  • -The overall management of different courses offered by the College is looked after by Shillong College Educational Society (Registration No. : E.16(Rs)5/of 2006/71).

Important Contacts: 

DesignationNameTelephone with STD codeMobileFax

PrincipalDr.(Mrs) E.KharkongorO: 0364-2224903



[email protected]
Vice Principal

Shri. B SyiemO: 0364-2224903
0364-2502143[email protected]
IQAC, Co-ordinator

Dr. S SarmaO: 0364-2224903
0364-2502143[email protected]