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The Department of Philosophy started with pass course since the inception of the college in the year 1956. The honours courses in Philosophy in the College started in mid-sixties. Late ShriSatyen Kar, a pioneer in the establishment of the College, was the first teacher in the department. “A small young man with a great personality” served the department as one of the founder teachers with utmost care and dedication. Late ShriBidit Das joined the College and helped the department profusely in its formative years along with Late Shri Haran Chandra Bhattacharjee (a student of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, former President of India), an employee in the erstwhile NEFA and Late Shri Amal Kr. Sen. Late Shri BirajBhusan Dutta, Late Dr.Subir Bijoy Sen Gupta and Late Shri Ranjit Kumar Deb served the department effectively for long years. Late Shri Dutta retired in 1985 as the Head of the Department and sadly, expired last year (October 2005). Late Shri R. K. Deb was a popular Tabla player of Shillong besides an effective teacher of Philosophy and Education and he retired on 31st July, 2000 as Head of the Department. After his superannuation, Dr Deepali Chattopadhyay became the Head of the department. During her headship the students of the department brought many laurels to the college by securing positions in the university examination. She was an excellent teacher of Philosophy and thus authored many books on Indian Philosophy and Religion. Dr Chattopadhyay retired on 28th February 2009. Dr K.D Ramseij became the head of the department. But, his tenure in the department was short lived as he was promoted and had to take over as the Principal of the college from 1st of July 2011 and so from that day the baton of headship passed on to Dr(Mrs) Jayanti Biswas. At present the department consists of fourmembers, Dr.J. Biswas, Dr B.P Tripathy, Ms K. Lartang (joined on 17th June 2009), and Ms. Extra Kurkalang (joined on 15th November 2011). Dr B.P Tripathy besides teaching also looks after the NCC activities of the College. Ms K. Lartang is a life member of Indian Red Cross Society.

NameEducational Qualification

Working since


Dr. (Smt.) J. Biswas (Head)

MA., M. Phil,
Ph.D, M. Music
11-03-1995[email protected]
Dr. B. P. Tripathi

M.A. , NET, Ph.D.

13-11-2000[email protected]
Smt. K. Lartang

M.A., NET17-06-2009[email protected]
Smt. E. KurkalangM.A., NET15-11-2011[email protected]