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The Khasi Department was started with the inception of the College in 1956. Manned by only Part-time teachers then, their committed effort is clearly projected as they were drawn from subjects other than literature as there were no post-graduate facilities for studies in Khasi language at that time. Thus, the department takes pride in being associated with luminaries like: (Late) Prof. R. S. Lyngdoh, Shri F. M. Pugh, Shri H. Syiemlieh, Shri M. Alexander Warjri (former M.P.) and few others who gave the department a sound foundation.

In 1969, Prof. Alexander Campbell War joined the department as the first full time teacher and with his exemplary dedication and untiring efforts he gave shape to the effective teaching and study of Khasi literature in the College, but cruel hand of malignancy ended his life before he could realize his goal completely. Then, the department had the benefit of the service from noted poet and novelist Shri (Late) B. C. Jyrwa and then Shri H. S. Nongbri until his retirement in the year 2000 and Smt M. Gatphoh assumed charge as the Head of the department until her retirement in 2010. Then, Shri T. S. Rajee took over and serve as the Head of the department tremendously until his retirement in 2015. After his retirement Dr (Smt) D. Mawroh became the Head of the department till her retirement in 2018 and Shri H. Marwein took charge as the Head of the department in 2018 till his last breath in 2021. Then Dr. (Smt) A. Nongbri was the Head both in the UG and PG section till date. The department presently has eight teaching faculties: Dr. (Smt) A. Nongbri, (HOD), Shri. S. Kharrymba, Shri P. R. Shabong, Smt. B. Syiemlieh, Shri. K. G. Diengdoh, Smti. B. Nongkynrih, Smti. M. Marbaniang and Smti. I. Kharsahnoh.

NameEducational QualificationWorking sincee-mail
Dr. (Smt.) A. Nongbri (HOD)M.A. , M.Phil, Ph.D.27-07-1999[email protected]
Shri Sojol KharrymbaM.A. , M.Phil.01-06-2010[email protected]
Shri Pynwandurlang ShabongM.A. , M.Phil.17-08-2013[email protected]
Smt. Banylla SyiemliehM.A. ,M.Phil.21-06-2018[email protected]
Shri Kolanjunes DiengdohM.A. , M.Phil.27-07-2018[email protected]
Smt. Balarishisha NongkynrihM.A. ,M.Phil.15-12-2021[email protected]
Smt. Maybecalljane MarbaniangM.A. ,M.Phil.01-06-2022[email protected]
Smt. Iateiskhem KharsahnohM.A. ,M.Phil.01-06-2022[email protected]



Research and Publications:

Dr (Smt.) A. Nongbri: Convener, Research Innovation and Publication, Cell, Shillong College since 2016 till date.

Sl. No.Title with page nos. (with year published)Book, Title, Editor & PublisherISSN/ ISBN No.
1A Paper “Ka Put Ka Tem ha ka Khasi Litereshor” (2018)Katto Katne Shaphang Ka Tem Tynrai. Published by La-Riti Publication, Shillong. 2nd EditionISBN:978-81-909462-7-8.
2A Paper “Ki Matti u Babu Nissor Singh Lyngdoh kum u Nongtei ha ka Khasi Litereshor” (Page no 29-31) (2018)A journal Ka Thwet Jingstad Vol. IV. No. I. DecemberISSN:2278-6813
3A Book Ka Buit Pyndonkam u Leslie Hardinge Pde ha ka Nobel u Moo-Iong (2019)The Khasi-Jaintia Hills: published by Ri Khasi Book AgencyISBN - 978-93-88129-07-7

Shri S. Kharymba:


Sl. No.Title with page nos. (with year published)Book, Title, Editor & PublisherISSN/ ISBN No.
1U Khasi:Ka Saian Bad ka Ktien (Pg no: 6-29) (2018)Ka Thiar Ki Nongthoh (Thup- XIII), Published by Khasi Author’s Society.ISSN: 2278-6805

Shri. P. R. Shabong:


Sl. No.Title with page nos. (with year published)Book, Title, Editor & PublisherISSN/ ISBN No.
1“Ka Akor Kaba Tam, Bynta III”, 2019 published by Wans Bros Publication
2Ka Senten,page 1-12,Ka Berb bad ka Por, page 56-58,Ka Klos, Page 59-61,Ka pyndait Kyntien(Affixation),page 62-66,( 2021)Ka Kramar khasi Bynta V, Ri Khasi Publications, Shillong

Editors/ Members of Editorial Board etc. :

Sl. No.Book, Title, Editor & PublisherISSN/ ISBN No.Editor/member
1“Ka Ri Jong Ngi Mynwei bad Mynta (Ka Jingkyrsiew ïa ki para Ri)” published by Wans Bros Publication; 2020Editor

Shri. K. G. Diengdoh: Convener, Research Innovation and Publication, Cell, Shillong College since 2016 till date.



Sl. No.Title with page nos. (with year published)Book, Title, Editor & PublisherISSN/ ISBN No.
1A book Ka Mariang Ha Ka Duitara Ksiar u Soso Tham: Ka Bishar Bniah, 164 pages. (2017)Published by Ri Khasi Publication, ShillongISBN: 9788193181058
2A Book Ka Matti u Frank M. Pugh published by Ri Khasi Publication, 114 Pages; (2018)Published by Ri Khasi Publication, ShillongPublished by Ri Khasi Publication, Shillong


Sl. No.Title with page nos. (with year published)Book, Title, Editor & PublisherISSN/ ISBN No.
1A paper “Ka Skut Ha Ka Kam Kalbut u W. Tiewsoh” (p.79- 93). 2018A journal KaThiar Ki Nongthoh (Thup- XIII). Published by Khasi Author’s Society, Shillong. 2018ISSN: 2278-6805
2A paper "Lyngkot halor ka Jingim bad ka Jingtrei u Hormurai Diengdoh”. Page, 99-105, 2019Ka Syngkhong Jingtip (Thup-8), Published by Khasi Author’s Society, ShillongISSN-2278-6791

Editors/ Members of Editorial Board etc:

Sl. No.Book, Title, Editor & PublisherISSN/ISBN No.Whether peer reviewedEditor/member
1A book Ki Symboh Pyrkhat Halor Ka Jingmih pat Published by Ri Khasi Publication, 114 pages; 2018ISBN 9788193387047Editor
2A Journal Ka Syngkhong Jingtip–7 Khasi Author’s Society, 88 pages; 2018ISSN:2278-6791Associate Editor
3A book Ki Symbai Ka Niam Khasi : published by Ri Khasi Publication; 2019ISBN 9789388129053195Co-Editor
4A Journal Ka Syngkhong Jingtip (Thup-8) Published by Khasi Author’s Society. 2019ISSN 2278-6791Associate Editor