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Art and Culture Gallery

The Art and Culture Gallery was formally inaugurated by the Principal, Dr (Mrs.) M.P.R Lyngdoh on August 3rd 2010. The gallery has been started from the prize money that was awarded to the College by the Department of Tourism, Government of Meghalaya and Meghalaya Tourism Development Forum during Autumn Festival held during 31st October -08th November 2009. The Tableau presented by the Shillong College on the theme “Enchanting Folklore” show-cased the rich folklores and vibrant culture of the Khasis, depicting the legend of U Sier Lapalang. Shillong College, Shillong was adjudged winners and received a cash award of Rs 70,000/ from the Government. The Governing Body of the College decided to utilize this money in constructing of an Art and Culture Gallery showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the region.

Keeping in mind the mission of the college in tapping and refining the potential skills and talent of the students, the college has now enhanced its interests and support in cultural events and students under the guidance of the teachers are participating in different cultural events like Songs, Music, Performing Arts, Debate, Quiz competitions and have brought laurels and pride to the College and the state as a whole.

For preserving and promoting Khasi Traditional Music, the Shillong College Management took the initiative to open the Career Oriented Certificate Course in Khasi Traditional Music (six months duration). The course has been started since 13th February 2018. Permission has been granted by the College Development Council, NEHU (No.CDC/6/Sh.C/2014/Vol.III(Part)-1733, Dated. 18th July 2018) under the Department of Khasi, Shillong College