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Red Ribbon Club


The Red Ribbon Club has been established in Shillong College in the year 2006 under National AIDS Control Programme (NACP). All students are expected to be involved in the Club for 16 hours annually, Vide MOU signed on 6th August 2013 between Department of Higher Education (MHRD), GOI & Department of AIDS Control, MHFW, GOI.

Objectives: The objectives of the Red Ribbon club are as follows:
  1. To create and spread awareness on Adolescent Health
  2. To create awareness on HIV/AIDS.
  3. To encourage and conduct Voluntary Blood Donation and other programmes.
  4. To display weekly messages in Notice Boards pertaining to adolescent health and issues.
  5. To give counselling to students for any problems that has been received from suggestions boxes placed in appropriate places in the campus separately for boys and girls.
Convener:Dr. H. Iangrai
Jt. Conveners: Shri A. Dkhar
Members:Smt. A. Mitri, Smt. K. M. A. Kharsohtun, Smt. K. Lartang, Smt. O. L. Syiemlieh, Ms. E. Kurkalang, Shri T. Tiewsoh, Shri R. Hujon, Smt. I. S. Khyriem, Shri R. Hujon, Smt. B. Marpna and Shri Kolanjunes Diengdoh
  1. The RRC participated in the Video Ads, Signage Campaign, Fashion Show, Extempore Speech, Open MIC programme organized by MACS on 27th September, 2016 at Aurobindo Hall, Shillong. Ten (10) students attended the programme.
  2. The RRC participated in the Consultation programme organized by MACS on 9th May, 2018 at Aurobindo Hall, Shillong.
  3. The RRC participated in the Inter College Skit and Slogan Competition organized by MACS on 30th November, 2018 at Aurobindo Hall, Shillong.
  4. The RRC participated in Observation of World Blood Donors Day organized by MACS on 14th June, 2019 at U Soso Tham Auditorium, Shillong. Five (5) students participated namely Shri Rejoyson Mawrie, Shri Ronnie Richard Khongsni, S. Mary Nongrum, R. Pala, Marbamonlang Rani, & Dr H. Iangrai (Convener).
  5. In collaboration with MACS RRC Shillong College organized a Street Play & Quiz Competition on 13th September, 2018 in the college campus. More than 200 students participated.
  6. The RRC participated in the Inter College Debate Competition, Red Ribbon Human Chain, Express Yourself Stage Performance & Blood Donation Camp organized by MACS on 20th August, 2019 at U Soso Tham Auditorium, Shillong. The participating students are Edwin Lal Zaoma Nampui, Sandra Mary Balapynhun Sohtun; Nagniohbok Rymbai, Sysyiana Syngkli alongwith faculties namely Dr H. Iangrai, Smt. K. Diengdoh, Smt. KMA Kharsohtun, & Smt E. Kurkalang.
  7. In collaboration with Shillong Endurance Motor Sports the RRC Shillong College organized a programme on Got to Know Your HIV Status on 4th November, 2019 at the college conference hall. More than 150 students attended.
  8. The RRC, Shillong College organized a Slogan Competition on 1st December, 2019 at the college campus.