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Research and Innovation Publication Cell


  • Founding Members
    • At its inception, in the year 2009, under the dynamic leadership of the former principal, Dr (Mrs) M. P. R. Lyngdoh the college authorities felt the need to create an aptitude for research amongst students and encourage teachers to undertake minor research activities in the college. This lead to the creation of a “Research Committee” to pursue the objectives with different departments of the college. The following teachers were the founder members of the cell:

    • Convener: Dr (Miss) R. Dkhar Department of Education
      Joint Convener: Dr C. Masharing Department of Chemistry
      Member: Shri S. Sarma Department of Commerce
      Member: Shri S. Goswami Department of Statistics
      Member: Shri G. Rumnong Department of English
      Member: Smt. P. Kharkrang Department of Microbiology

  • Present Members:
    • Convener:  Dr. B. M. Laloo
    • Jt. Convener: Dr. S. Khongwir and Dr.  S. Khyriemmujat
  • Members: Dr. H. Iangrai, Dr. L. M. Jyrwa, Smt. P. Kharkrang, Dr.S Pandey, Dr. A. Lyngdoh, Dr. C. Marsharing, Dr. M. B. Lynser, Dr. H. Diengdoh, Shri B. Mawrie, Dr. E. M. Pala, Dr. S. Pandey, Dr. S. Sarma – IQAC Representative,